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Interview with Sean Cahill from TTSA’s Unidentified

To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’s new TV show “Unidentified” is slated to be the most important, credible, and informative show of all time. It will feature investigations on location, deep dives into well documented cases like the Nimitz events, and might also possibly include new data and events equal to or “better than” the Nimitz, which in my opinion is the most well documented case of all time.

Weeks ago, when some of the promotional photos were released for the TV program by the History Channel a person named Sean Cahill was featured. Sean will appear in “Unidentified.”  He is an investigative film maker and retired US Navy Chief Master-At-Arms who served on various vessels and locations, including the Princeton (which was involved in the Nimitz encounters) among others. Sean has started publishing a series of “must read” blogs that can be found on medium.

I wanted to get to know who Sean Cahill is as a person and learn about his personal views ahead of the the TV show airing, which will interject him into this topic and study of the Phenomenon, forever solidifying him as a public person. I agreed to not ask specific details of the show or about his time on the Princeton. We will all find out about that starting May 31st.

Danny Silva: You are a veteran. Thank you for your service. Describe your military career. Where did you serve?

Sean Cahill: “You’re welcome Danny, It was both my choice and pleasure to serve. Before we dig in, let me say it was really great to speak to you on the phone the other day. Almost everything I have learned about the phenomena outside of my own experiences came from the conscientious and dedicated research of people like yourself and the pioneers that came before us. While our community may be eccentric at times I think the world will soon understand just how heavy some of these concepts are when you add them all to the stew. I really look forward to a future where these ideas have found their proper place in our culture again, in the daylight and without scorn.

I entered the Navy in 1995 after I realized that while my dream of being a rock star might come true, I probably wouldn’t survive to enjoy it. I served on the U.S. island territory of Guam, the aircraft carrier USS Constellation, the guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton, and the amphibious assault ships USS Makin Island and USS Peleliu. I also served in various positions with base police onboard Naval Base Coronado as well as a few flag and squadron staff commands. My main background is in law enforcement investigations, maritime interdiction, antiterrorism and Sexual Assault Victim Intervention, Prevention and Response. At retirement, my rate and rating were Chief Master-at-Arms.”

Danny Silva: How can serving affect a person, even in peacetime?

Sean Cahill: I love every one of my brothers and sisters I served with even if I didn’t know how to show it then. That’s why I was there, and why they were there. You can tell yourself it’s for the college and healthcare, and maybe that got you in the door, but if you stuck around it is because you found family.

The last twenty years have taught us a great deal about the negative effects of an operational tempo like the one we attempted to maintain during the Global War on Terror. Whether we are talking increased suicide rates, blue on blue (green on green) crime, sexual assaults, violent attacks in civilians, alcoholism, and drug use, etc. the fact remains that this has not been my father’s war. My father’s generation left to fight what they perceived as an evil worth killing and dying for. For many, they were going back to where their parents or grandparents had just emigrated from. The horror of WWII brought carnage to the front page in a way it never had before. The toll on all nations involved was horrific. America lost over four hundred thousand service members in less than four years. For many in my father’s generation they came home, shoved the horror down and tried to move on.

I don’t mean to be a gatekeeper of what veteran means or what constitutes traumatic stress. The horrors of combat and it’s detrimental effects are well studied. However new data suggests previously unseen negative impacts on non-combat personnel who signed up expecting to fulfill a certain obligation to their country and are left feeling ‘less than’ the rest of their team. Worse for them, they come home feeling like their mental health issues are as well, unworthy. This is only one of the plethora of challenges two decades of constant global deployments on multiple fronts has put on the growing population of disabled veterans that are the result. This sounds cold but if we approach this as only an emotional issue we will continue to divide the room.

The topic of mental health still carries a stigma, not unlike the phenomenon that brings the two of us together for this interview. In turn it is no stranger to feelings of isolation and ridicule. I’d like to be an agent of change for both of those things.
There are many indications that the amount of experiencers and witnesses to the phenomena on active duty is much higher than previously thought. I look forward to learning more about what that means to our growing veteran population.

Danny Silva: What led you to start teaching meditation?

Sean Cahill: To put it plainly I had become an asshole. I had first noticed later in my career that I was shy of crowds and noises and didn’t handle change well anymore when I was out of uniform. When I retired my social and general anxiety got worse but along with it, I had formed a sense of offended entitlement. I needed the whole world to get the hell out of my way, they were pissing me off. Obviously, this had a negative effect on my relationships and many of them eroded to a point that I was considering suicide as a solution to the amount of pain I was bringing to everyone’s life around me. I had always believed that thinking and thinking hard was the way to go. When the confidence behind those thoughts eroded away over the years it left me with a mental shit-show. I was fortunate enough to experience some pretty profound shifts in consciousness early on and solidified my practice. One of the first things I learned that was so profound was that from my perspective, once I honed my focus sharp enough it was obvious that thoughts originated from “elsewhere”, thoughts passing as if leaves on a stream. It really is
our choice which leaves we pluck from the stream and how long we hold them and which ones we let float by onto somewhere else. That is the key to ending suffering.

As the kids say, I found my chill.

After that, I made a promise to myself that if I could help just one person stop the constant negative self-referential thought that had plagued me and gain control of their personal narrative again it was worth as much time as I could give it.

Danny Silva: How did you first get interested in the UFO topic?

Sean Cahill: I had been fascinated for as long as I could remember but it really started with the cover of the same book I think Tom Delonge mentions. It was first or second grade in the school library. It had a Sasquatch, a ufo that looked like a saucer with a spike on it and the stereotypical Nessy photo. I was blown away and started watching “In Search Of” on television and devouring science and science fiction. But none of that was unusual, it was that and watching C.H.I.P.s on television and jumping our bikes off ramps in the street. I was fascinated with the planets. I had taken over all of my families issues of National Geographic from the Voyager and Pioneer missions to the outer solar system as well as the ones containing info on antiquity and ancient humanity.

Danny Silva: What role does consciousness play in regards to the Phenomenon?

Sean Cahill: I’ve recently been convinced by some of my loved ones that most people think about consciousness very rarely if ever. The combination of therapy, meditation, self-realization, and self-study of consciousness during what most of us consider an off-limits time… sleep led me to find my own re-connection to what I consider my inner self. Some call it the soul, while others call it the subconscious.

Regardless of what you call it, you are only encumbered by your own fears and personal limiting beliefs sprinkled with some basic concepts. Investigation has proven to me that there is a fabric that weaves between us all and everything, but that concept is nothing new to philosophy and esoterica.

The fact is you just have to sit down on your butt and do the work to find out. As of right now those ideas and techniques just aren’t accepted by the mainstream.

The more you open yourself up to the phenomenon the more it manifests itself in your life. I think this is very important to the origin. I think this is where it breaks down for many people due to the nuance and subtlety between us all. The way we each respond and react to the universe around us is as unpredictable in individuals as it is predictable in groups.

I’d had my own personal breakthroughs in consciousness but not enough to ever really admit that before. Like many, I was frightened at first. It wasn’t until I took a look at the vast collection of research, data, theory, and practice that the CIA essentially dumped onto the internet in 2017 in regards to project StarGate and other programs involving PSI, Telekinesis, Remote viewing, etc that I really began to take what I was experiencing as more than a quaint aberration. For some, it will never be enough to keep citing the successful march of government programs into cancellation only to find they were reborn like zombie clones, stove-piped in the black.

Even with Russia recently announcing that they have teams of Special Warfare Operators trained in Remote Viewing the fact that an undercurrent of Psi ability exists in everyone is nowhere near entering the mainstream consciousness, pardon the pun. The early work pioneered and perhaps later perfected by Dr. Hal Puthoff et al from Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Army Fort Meade and the plethora of books by the likes of his cohort are the last we ever hear of remote viewing until the last few years as Non Disclosure Agreements among academia and some subjects expire. The whole thing is bookended by compartmentalized peer-reviewed data on one end and flamboyant cryptocurrency prophets on the other. Even a casual dipping into the subject will show a vast interaction with the phenomena as well as an interest by the phenomena itself. I don’t want to place causality and correlation in the wrong boxes, but it makes one question what it truly means to be human and why we aren’t all shown these techniques.

Consciousness is the very fabric of the entire reality we reside in. If most of us aren’t taking the time to investigate our own consciousness, if we are afraid of the boundaries of our own minds, whose life are we leading and why?

Danny Silva: Will we see capital D Disclosure in our lifetime, or strictly further confirmation?

Sean Cahill: I really think it has already happened but I was there when part of the genesis of this round of the story began so my take is different. To me when an executive level professional like Luis Elizondo takes the steps to transition compartmentalized and previously secret information out of the morass of bureaucracy and into the public eye it isn’t done on a whim or in the blind. A lot of our less imaginative friends immediately jump to phrases like managed disclosure and soft landing and that is frankly juvenile. We are talking about a little understood piece of our reality that when you start understanding how much of our daily lives this touches it changes the way you see the world around you. I think the likelihood of capital D disclosure is near zero unless it is hijacked for another purpose and dressed up as such. Let’s face it, we shattered the truth to a thousand bits in this country in the last decade. We haven’t had a Walter Cronkite moment where we all gathered around the same news program since 9/11. That said, with the stove-piping inherent to classified programs does anyone know the whole narrative? I don’t, and I think we still have some learning to do. Who can grant Disclosure? What pay-grade? How many of us need to stand on the same stage? It’s real. Now we have the long road of determining all the implications of that statement. I’m really looking forward to the next year.

Danny Silva: You’ve spent time with Lue Elizondo, how would you describe his demeanor and ethics?

Sean Cahill: While I might like flowery words I don’t like kissing ass and Lue dislikes hearing it even more. Everything I might say can and probably will be misconstrued as hero worship. The fact is I have learned from experience that if Lue Elizondo tells me the sun will rise in the west tomorrow then I guess I’ll be doing my yoga backward. I trust Lue with the lives of my wife and children. It’s that simple.

Danny Silva: After Unidentified airs, what’s next for the world?

Sean Cahill: I hope what’s next is some calm reflection before some vigorous, animated and well-informed conversation on a scale we have never seen before.

Danny Silva: What’s next for you personally?

Sean Cahill: After I retired I was very content to remain a homebody, teaching meditation and enjoying my little patch of the world with my family. Now though I have the opportunity to bring some understanding and closure to others who don’t have all the answers they need yet. As long as I am invited to the table I intend to make myself useful and when you guys get sick of my voice, well there’s this really quiet meditation spot on my deck where I have a great view of the sky…

Danny Silva: The Navy announced they were drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs.
A huge accomplishment for TTSA. In a way, the Navy has now confirmed AAVs
exist (without saying who controls them.) What does this mean to you? What
does this mean in the long run?

Sean Cahill: The men and women of our armed forces will soon have a proper conduit for reporting the phenomenon without fear of ridicule or repercussion. I believe this decision is a historic step forward toward uncovering the truth behind the phenomena and how it affects us all. I’m very proud of our Navy for taking the lead on this issue but what has me on my feet and applauding is the incredible patience and class shown by Tom Delonge’s To the Stars Academy. The team that he assembled and leads have brought not only his vision to bare but have truly changed the world. Tom and his team at TTSA got the right people to listen and maintained their poise under an avalanche of constant uninformed criticism. That’s class. Meet the new standard.

Danny Silva: Do you have any experience or have you heard any stories about what it was like for servicemen to report sightings?

Sean Cahill: I’ve talked to a lot of people that I’ve known personally over the years about the subject. An Army four-star, WWII Vets, numerous modern-day aircrew, pilots, Special Warfare Operators and regular sailors, soldiers airman, and marines. Every conversation was in a hushed tone. Every conversation ended with some version of why reporting was laughed at, discouraged, ignored or assumed to carry such a negative after-effect it was never considered. Ridicule, stigma, being called crazy. It’s always the same.

Danny Silva: Do you consider yourself personally an “experiencer of the Phenomenon?”

Sean Cahill: I’m going to softball this one if you don’t mind and split the answer three ways. By definition of location, proximity and evidentiary value; yes. I was onboard USS Princeton with Kevin Day for the 2004 Nimitz/Tic-Tac incident. To be more specific would be to violate my NDA, but that will all be in the public record by this summer.

If I were to answer as an Investigator, I constantly question whether what I have seen and experienced over the years by myself and with other trained observers and trusted friends is “the phenomenon”. Due to its elusive nature, there is no physical evidence to present and some of those experiences have some equally simple and rational explanations.

Now if you asked me spiritually, then a resounding Yes is in order. But again, my enthusiasm wouldn’t convince a fly because I cannot project my experience on yours.

So, in the end, I have to remain unbiased and I try to do this by seeing both arguments for and against each subsequent investigation whether in consciousness or in the “world”.

Danny Silva: AATIP’s platform was UAP/UFOs are a threat from a military standpoint.
What is your take? Are UFOs a threat? On a larger scale…is the Phenomenon in
general good, bad or a mixture of both?

Sean Cahill: In my day training police officers in the use of deadly force, we utilized a concept called the deadly force triangle. The inherent responsibility of a law enforcement officer is to only draw and use their weapon under certain circumstances. The idea behind the deadly force triangle is that a suspect must meet the minimum criteria which is much different than the rules of engagement used in conventional warfare.

Opportunity, Intent, and Capability were the triangle. For those of us acquainted with the history of UFO encounters by our military we know that to say they have harassed our forces before is a no-brainer. The proximity to our forces gives the obvious opportunity. They exhibit the ability to out-maneuver us to an impressive degree and though I cannot confirm the veracity of any reports, it is said that their ability to destroy matter is as equally impressive as their acceleration.

Though it covers Opportunity and Capability it leaves us so far with a pretty empty page on Intent. Again, I am talking what we can prove, and what we can prove about this phenomena is not agreed upon by many but the non-threatening cases do seem to outweigh the threatening ones, in my mind because of lack of intent.

That said, the phenomenon operates with the intent to deprive us of direct vision, knowledge, and communication on a public scale. It seems to completely control the environment and if the technology is understood, perhaps the arrow of time.

That kind of control reminds me of an experienced outdoorsman in the bush. If he asks the bush for permission to enter he does it out of respect. There is no direct communication to evacuate in the path of his footsteps. He says “Thank you” to the
wind and hikes in. I won’t say they are a threat, but I don’t have enough evidence to call them benign either. I’d feel much more secure if they could step out into the light, whoever or whatever they are.

Danny Silva: TTSA claimed from day one they plan to build a craft that engineers the
“spacetime metric” and has anti-gravitic properties. In regards to the craft, what
do you predict will happen?

Sean Cahill: While not a member of TTSA I’m obviously a supporter and have a great deal of respect for the team. We have all seen a lot of, let’s face it, abject bullshit and made up stories in this field.

Look at the credentials of the people, and if you need to, their net worths. None of these people are the type to start a circus and none of them needed the side dough anyway. It’s all a matter of public record… but most of the truth is, now, if you know where to look and are willing to accept it upon discovery.

It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to use some due diligence and get off of Facebook and Reddit and look at the accomplishments of TTSA.

While so many are making friday promises and monday excuses, TTSA brought evidence and congressional testimony to bear and Changed the Course of the United States Navy. TTSA is a lighthouse. I would expect we will see others change their course as well or crash on the rocks of progress. I expect to see every single claim of TTSA come to fruition.

Danny Silva: What technology do you believe is behind the scenes and held by
governments of the world? Do anti-gravity or comparable game-changing
technologies exist that can free the world from using fossil fuels? When do you
expect it to start to leak into the public eye?

Sean Cahill: I lack the information to make those conclusions at the moment, we lack the narrative right now in the public eye to discern history from hyperbole and disinformation. I say watch those who present bold vision and offer tangible results and shy away from those who offer more promises for a tomorrow that never comes and desperately tease one more bombshell from a shadowy can’t-tell-you-who.

Danny Silva: Will the Phenomenon start to let itself be known on a larger scale?

Sean Cahill: As an investigator seems like it already has, but I assume we are talking on a scale that will move the needle for the public. In that case, the spiritual side of me says “You’re damn right it will!”

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6 comments on “Interview with Sean Cahill from TTSA’s Unidentified

  1. David Haith

    Excellent insight Sean and Danny.
    This was the paragraph that was most revealing, powerful and….humbling.
    “For those of us acquainted with the history of UFO encounters by our military we know that to say they have harassed our forces before is a no-brainer. The proximity to our forces gives the obvious opportunity. They exhibit the ability to out-maneuver us to an impressive degree and though I cannot confirm the veracity of any reports, it is said that their ability to destroy matter is as equally impressive as their acceleration.”
    It looks like being a roller coast ride ahead of us!


  2. “That said, the phenomenon operates with the intent to deprive us of direct vision, knowledge, and communication on a public scale. It seems to completely control the environment and if the technology is understood, perhaps the arrow of time.”

    I can’t help but think of the simulation hypothesis when I hear this statement by Sean.

    This little piece from his twitter really speaks to me and seems integrally related to the above statement. Reading between the lines here:

    Sean Cahill tweet @mintyhyperspace
    “I believe the key to understanding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena will boil down to three questions and the ability to seek those answers within, not without.
    1. Where were You before you were born?
    2. Where are You when you are asleep?
    3. Where will You go when you die? #UAP”


  3. Pingback: UFO Headlines 4/29/2019 – UNREAL5

  4. I watched the episode tonight and definitely liked Cahill. I couldn’t tell this guy was solid and grounded. Then I just read this and I’m even more impressed. My initial impression of him on the show was spot on after reading this.


  5. Pingback: Anomaly Archives eNews – June 4th, 2019 | Anomaly Archives

  6. Can you please ask Sean Cahill if the name “Kinneally” means anything to him? I watch “Unidentified” and he sure looks like he could be a relative?


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