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UAP Task Force Included in Intelligence Bill for 2021

Thanks to Steve McDaniel for this lead and “Post Disclosure World” for alerting me to it.

A bill written by Marco Rubio and others is now on the agenda for Fiscal Year 2021. It includes references to UAP and Advanced Aerial Threats. The work that TTSA and the current UAP program have done to brief politicians and others has worked. However, now the bill has to be approved and become an Act. Contrary to previous directions to contact lawmakers, the UFO community must now give these lawmakers space to work and get this bill approved. Otherwise the lawmakers and politicians may become overwhelmed and drop the effort. This bill represents years of hard work and the progress it can lead to if passed is very exciting.

More analysis is on the way and this blog will be updated.


Update 1:

Politico’s Bryan Bender chimes in.

Update 2:

Keith Basterfield’s take.

Update 3:

The bill has been enacted!

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